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Breaking Boundaries: A Journey to End Abuse
by Dr. Gregg Tyler Milligan

On April 30th, 2013, in the bustling city of Bangkok, Thailand, renowned U.S. author and advocate against abuse, Dr. Gregg Tyler Milligan, initiated a transformative workshop. This event, a fusion of knowledge and empathy, aimed to address and combat abuse worldwide.


For the first time, an American author was chosen to lead such an initiative. The momentum behind this gathering was Dr. Milligan's recent book, "God Must Be Sleeping," which highlighted his dedication to international abuse prevention.


Setting the Global Stage:


From 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, the workshop at Thammasat University unfolded, underscoring the urgent need for global abuse prevention and treatment. The university, in this context, emerged as a pivotal hub for abuse awareness.


Dr. Milligan's generosity was evident as he donated 20 signed copies of "God Must Be Sleeping." These books served as resources for the faculty, students, practitioners, and attendees.


Unveiling the Confluence of Minds:


A diverse group of academics, practitioners, and students came together with a singular focus: combatting abuse. The workshop was inaugurated by the Dean of Thammasat University's Faculty of Social Administration and the President of the Social Work Association of Thailand, both acknowledging Dr. Milligan's tireless efforts.


Throughout the event, Dr. Milligan shed light on the multifaceted nature of abuse, discussing its implications across sectors like economics, healthcare, psychology, and criminal justice.


The Journey Begins:


For Dr. Milligan, the workshop marked a key moment in his international book tour, commencing at Thammasat University. He expressed his gratitude, stating, "Being a part of this pivotal workshop was truly an honor."


The workshop's impact was evident by the engagement of faculty members, practitioners, students, and the broader public. Among the attendees were notable figures from the university, social work associations, and other professionals.


Painting a Vision:


In his morning session titled, "How We Are All Connected," Dr. Milligan seamlessly integrated his personal story with research-backed insights. He emphasized the role of respect and self-awareness in countering abuse. Detailing his journey from victimhood to advocacy, he inspired attendees to believe in the power of resilience and positive change.


Fostering Dialogue:


Following a dynamic Q&A segment, the afternoon session was dedicated to in-depth discussions. Dr. Milligan addressed specific questions from students, with responses being transcribed by a professional Thai translator and professor and shared with the participants. 


Heartfelt Conversations:


The dialogue between Dr. Milligan and the attendees covered:


Insights from his book "God Must Be Sleeping."

International collaboration efforts.

Recognizing abuse as a global crisis.

He introduced the idea of treating abuse as a disease, akin to conditions like cancer, and advocated for a holistic, global perspective on abuse prevention.


A Framework for Change:


In the session's latter part, Dr. Milligan outlined a strategy for a global approach to social work. He provided tangible focus areas that could bring about lasting change in abuse prevention and treatment.


He concluded by emphasizing the inherent power each individual possesses in combating abuse, stating, "In the direst moments, hope remains the most potent force. That hope is YOU."


In Bangkok, Dr. Gregg Tyler Milligan presented a vision for a world free of abuse. Participants left with a renewed sense of purpose, equipped, and inspired to take steps toward ending abuse globally.

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