Milligan conducts all-day multidisciplinary workshop with the Departments of Psychology, Education and Guidance at Mahasarakham University
September 13, 2014
International author and advocate Gregg Tyler Milligan conducted an all-day workshop Saturday, September 13, 2014 from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, at Mahasarakham University in Northern Thailand. Milligan presented to faculty and students at the international baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral levels during the workshop as well as professionals in several different fields of work.
Milligan covered the progression of his work through his three book releases. The story shared is a common thread within us all - the spirit of perseverance brought to life through education and compassion.
His latest book, Landscapes of the Heart - A Survivor's Guide brings together all points of light in a culmination of insight and guidance gained over years of experience combined with research.
Milligan concluded the workshop with a two-hour Q&A session, and received a standing ovation from the audience. He was honored by the university with a handmade clock with the Mahasarakham University seal and recognized with a golden embossed certificate by the Head of the Department of Educational Psychology and Guidance, Faculty of Education, Araya Piyakun, PHD.
To see the certificate awarded to recognize Milligan's contribution to Mahasarakham University, click here.
To see an outline of the presentation, click here.
To read more about the workshop, including a photo gallery from the day, click here.
To learn more about Mahasarakham University, visit http://www.inter.msu.ac.th/.

Milligan Honored as Keynote Speaker at Department of Public Health at Mahasarakham University in Thailand
September 10, 2014
Gregg Tyler Milligan was featured as the Keynote Speaker at Mahasarakham University's Department of Public Heath September 10, from 10:00am – 12:00pm at an event with faculty and students to cover several global issues and ideas for improving the health and welfare of individuals who are abused. Milligan used his own life example along with his experiences in working with social welfare and public health-focused foundations and organizations, and wove those into the greater picture of the world at large including legal, economic and social ramifications. He outlined what happens when people who have suffered abuse aren't helped and the rippling effect it has on society, and contrasted that with the positive outcomes when we utilize the model of Education + Compassion = Wisdom, a model Milligan has developed through firsthand experience supported by years of research. Milligan shared insights from his latest book, Landscapes of the Heart - a Survivor's Guide. Following the event, Milligan collaborated directly with faculty, staff and students at MSU to discuss the concepts illustrated in his speech and a practical application of the principles outlined.
To see the certificate recognizing Milligan's contributions to Mahasarakham University, click here.
To see a recap of the event with pictures, click here. To see the agenda, click here.
To see an article from MSU on the university website publicizing the event click here for the Thai version and click here for the English version.
To learn more about MSU's Department of Public Health, click here.

Elderly In-Home Care
September 4, 2014
Volunteers from The Mirror Foundation in Thailand handle case-by-case visits of individuals who are currently either family members of the extremely ill and suffering and also those in need of care themselves. The ‘visits’ are referred to by the Foundation as [Cases].
On September 4, 2014, Milligan joined the volunteer leader from The Mirror Foundation and visited 5 homes as part of his first day with the project.
Read more about the day in Milligan's own words here.
Read more about The Mirror Foundation and its projects at http://www.themirrorfoundation.org/.

Volunteering with The Mirror Foundation Happy Hospital Project
September 3, 2014
The Mirror Foundation staff and volunteers visit Ramathibodi Hospital Medical Science Division of Mahidol University three times per month in order to spend at least one to two hours with the sick children. The children, whose ages range from 6-12 all suffer from critical life-threatening illnesses and/or debilitating injuries brought on by accidents. The Mirror Foundation incorporates a series of fun games for the children during the visits.
Gregg Tyler Milligan joined The Mirror Foundation volunteer group for the Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014 visit to the hospital.
The team donned light-blue hospital jerkins, and together with the children they made decorative pencil garnishing made of colorful yarn. Grasping this particular craft was far beyond Milligan’s abilities. As Milligan relayed, “My final yarn decoration looked like a cross between a worn-out mop and Bob Marley’s hair.” This made the five children visited with today smile and soon through various silly drawings, comical sounds and gestures, a game of catch with several stress balls, Milligan had the children engaged and laughing.
“They are all special and you can never choose a favorite. They are all so beautiful.”
Read more about Milligan's volunteer day with The Mirror Foundation Happy Hospital project.

Handing Out Hope - Milligan 'brings light into the darkness' in The Mirror Foundation's Hope for Inmates Project
September 2nd, 2014
The Mirror Foundation Hope for Inmates Project:
Three times per month the staff and volunteers at The Mirror Foundation spend one-hour at the Bangkok Remand Prison located in the Trokkam District visiting with approximately 30-40 selected inmates. The project director develops new interactive games in which both inmates and staff/volunteers participate.
Gregg Tyler Milligan joined the volunteer group on September 2nd, 2014 during one of the Hope for Inmates monthly visits.
The project director split the inmates in groups of three persons each, gave them a large blank sheet of paper, assorted magazines, glue sticks and pens. The task was to find pictures within the magazines, paste them to the large sheet of paper representative of “What Pictures Would Hang in Your Dream Home?” In addition, each group penned their group-name on the top of the page (Flower, Rain, Happy, and Paradise, etc.).
However, before the activities, the director of the project asked Milligan to address the inmates with a few words while a translator stood by. Milligan said, “I am honored to be here among all of you. Thank you for inviting me to share this precious time.”
Click here to read more about Milligan's experience on the September 2nd 2014 Hope for Inmates Project with The Mirror Foundation.

Milligan Volunteers in the Feeding Friends Program at Thailand's Mirror Foundation
September 1, 2014
Gregg Tyler Milligan spent the day with The Mirror Foundation's Feeding Friends Program in Thailand and their team of volunteers. During the day, Milligan prepared, cooked, and packaged food then served meals to homeless citizens at The Mirror Foundation facility.
Click here for more information about the day and pictures from the program.
Part of the program included visiting with the people receiving meals, which Milligan said was both an honor and privilege.
Milligan found new friends abounded as he spent time with both those receiving meals and those volunteering at the Foundation. He cherished the time spent with all and gives many thanks to Mirror Foundation leadership for offering him the opportunity to be part of the team and the program.
Giving Back: Volunteering with The Mirror Foundation in Thailand
September 2014
From September 1 - September 5th, 2014 Gregg Tyler Milligan will be spending a week volunteering at The Mirror Foundation in Thailand on projects such as feeding the homeless, caring for sick and dying elderly citizens, teaching English to staff and volunteers and working with the Anti-Human Trafficking Team. Read More

Milligan Runs in Thailand Mini-Marathon to Support AIDS Awareness
The Thai Business Coalition on AIDS (TBCA) is to make a positive difference in the lives of people so they can achieve their highest potential by developing and implementing National Policy and Certification programs for the prevention of HIV/AIDS/ TB throughout Thailand.
The event is a charity walk-run, no competition, to promote HIV/AIDS awareness and raise fund for people affected HIV/AIDS and promotion of HIV/AIDS education.
TBCA mini marathon for AIDS awareness initiated in 2013 to promote private sector to advocate HIV/AIDS education for their employees, and raise awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention to general public. In 2014, TBCA is organizing the 2nd mini marathon to emphasize the role of government and private sector in collaborate to resolve HIV/AIDS problems by providing HIV/AIDS education for a workplace and general public to achieve the target “Getting to Zero”.
The activities include (1) HIV/AIDS education and health promotion for a workplace (2) TBCA Mini Marathon (3) Charity events for providing children affected HIV/AIDS canvas shoes.
10.5k (6.5 miles). Time: 55:06. — at Wachira Benthat Park (“Rot Fai Park” / “Suan Rot Fai”), Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand.
Racing for Charity: Author Helps Raise Funds for Thai Red Cross College of Nursing
100th TRCN Mini Marathon Charity Run
The Thai Red Cross College of Nursing, (TRCN) founded in 1914, is one of the oldest and largest nursing schools in Thailand. TRCN is solely school of Thai Red Cross Society. Each year enrolling more than 1,000 nursing students in its baccalaureate, post graduate, and practical nursing programs, TRCN develops strong leaders who shape the profession of nursing and have a powerful impact on the health care environment. The Red Cross Principles are applied to all of the TRCN’s initiatives.
The charity run is to raise both funds and awareness regarding the college’s mission which is to be the core agency in developing the health system with quality, efficiency and equality; with participation of the people, communities and all sectors for good health of all Thai people in order to achieve a good and sustainable society following the King’s Sufficiency Economy philosophy. All of which is based upon the values of; righteousness, honesty, responsibility, transparency, accountability and achievement without discrimination.
To learn more about the Thai College of Nursing, click here.
Milligan's results:
10.5k (6.5 miles). Time: 58:46 — at Lumpini Park, Bangkok, Thailand.
Milligan releases his third book
June, 2014
Milligan releases his third book, Landscapes of the Heart: A Survivor's Guide.
April 8th, 2014
Jackson, Michigan (Keynote).
Delivered keynote speech at AWARE Spring Donor Breakfast. Milligan connected his story into his global model of education + compassion = wisdom and drew ties between his own experience to the broader examples in society of abuse. Milligan explained that whether they be parents or world leaders - whatever a person's station in life or whatever event it is - abuse is about control and power over another exercised without compassion.
Milligan emphasized the simplicity in the application of a compassionate perspective available to everyone as they make choices. He outlined we only need to ask ourselves - is it going to help me or someone else - hurt me or someone else? Milligan illustrated how abuse breaks down relationships, society, and the world. He connected this point into the audience's experience who see the decimation every day - AWARE staff, law enforcement, everyone - we see when people act without compassion - they suffer and die along with those around them - while in between are addictions, abuse of others, incarceration.
Milligan concluded by demonstrating that organizations like AWARE aren't just saving the individual - they are saving humanity and bringing sustainability and stability to the neighborhood, towns, cities and world.
Following the breakfast, Milligan met with audience members, answered questions and signed books.
For the Audio Recording of Speech, click here
For more information on the AWARE organization, click here.
Author who overcame physical, sexual abuse as child to speak at annual AWARE breakfast
April 5th, 2014
Journalist Danielle Salisbury interviews international author and abuse prevention advocate Gregg Tyler Milligan about his books, his message, and his upcoming work Landscapes of the Heart: A Survivor's Guide - in addition to his April 2014 keynote speech at the AWARE Spring Breakfast.
"I need you. I need everyone. I can’t do it alone. It is more than a message. It is about how we are all designed, how we are all connected.” - Gregg Tyler Milligan

Contributing Author in New Anthology
January 2014
International author and advocate Gregg Tyler Milligan was a featured contributor in the recently released anthology Portable Homes by creator Lexie Bean, founder of Attention: People with Body Parts organization.
Milligan wrote new original works for inclusion in the anthology.
Ms. Bean led a book tour featuring the Attention: People with Body Parts movement and Portable Homes throughout 2013-2014 across the US and Canada to raise awareness about the power of survival.
Click here for the link to the anthology.

Running for a Cause - Milligan Races in Holiday 5k for Local Chairities
December 13, 2014
International author and advocate Gregg Tyler Milligan competed in the Holiday Hustle 5k in Dexter, Michigan on Saturday, December 13, 2014. The race was held to raise funds for local Michigan charities, including food banks. Milligan finished in the top 15% of runners in this highly competitive race.

Raising Funds for Charity - International Author/Advocate Competes in Double Race Day Competition
Milligan competed in the Kona Chocolate Run 10k and 5k {back-to-back} Charity Races to benefit the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, the Leukemia/Lymphoma Team in Training, the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, and the Plymouth Parks and Recreation Department.
There were 4,700 runners this year. Milligan ranked in the top 5% of runners in the 5k, and the top 10% of the 10k race.
Click here to see a snapshot Milligan's run results in each race.

Author/Advocate Competes in Back to Back 5k and 10k Races to Benefit Several Charities
October 26, 2014
Milligan competed in the Wicked Halloween Run 10k and 5k {back-to-back} Charity Races to benefit the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, St. Mary’s of Mercy Hospital, St. Joseph Health System, and the Plymouth Parks and Recreation Department.
There were 5,000 runners this year. Milligan ranked in the top 5% of runners in both the 5k and 10k race.
Click here to see a snapshot Milligan's run results in each race.

Milligan Helps Raise Funds for March of Dimes and Hope Clinic with 5k Run
October 11, 2014
Gregg Tyler Milligan, international author and advocate, ran a 5k to benefit both the March of Dimes charity and Hope Clinic in a competitive race held at Wiard's Orchards in Ypsilanti, Michigan on October 11, 2014.
Milligan placed 5th in his division.
The day’s charity run was underscored by a parallel effort Milligan supported. Milligan is a member of The PAY IT FORWARD Group which was organized by Mark Aronson. Mr. Aronson's humanitarian efforts created the international group, whereas a date is chosen and those who choose to participate to exercise the “Pay It Forward” concept by doing something kind that benefits humanity. Milligan contributed to the program with his race day activities, including a pre-race snapshot posted to Facebook to promote the program's ideals.
The March of Dimes charity provides research and programs to ensure healthly lives for babies and children.
The Hope Clinic provides compassionate and practical help to those in need, ministering to the whole person with dignity and respect. The Hope Clinic provided a broad range of services including medical and dental clinics and social services including groceries and hot meals to local families in need.

Milligan Runs Charity 5k for Children's Health
October 4, 2014
International Author and Advocate Gregg Milligan competed in a charity 5k held on October 4, 2014 in Wayne, Michigan, sponsored by Oakwood Hospital System. The Red October 5k Run was held to benefit children's healthy lifestyle initiatives in the local Michigan community.