November 15, 2010
Monroe, Michigan
"Dear Gregg:
You autographed a copy of your book for me yesterday at the Bedford library. Last night and this morning I read it. It is one of the most devastating yet inspiring stories I've ever encountered. At times I saw myself a tiny bit in it. I, too, was abused by an alcoholic mother. Not sexually abused but emotionally. I suffered only an infinitesimal fraction of the abuse you did, but the memories have stayed with me. I'll never forget. But at age 67, just this past summer, I achieved redemption in my relationship with my mother. The abuse, finally, doesn't hurt any more. I'm writing about it in the memoir I'm hoping to publish next year.
I admire you more than you can know for coming forward with your story and for having healed so much while still a relatively young man.
I've come to the conclusion that even a small amount of abuse can be hard to overcome and that good parenting is the most important job any human being ever has. Nothing matters as much as loving and caring for our children.
Congratulations for having been a loving parent to your son. [...] I too want to break the cycle of abuse.
My faith has helped me heal. I'm a retired United Methodist pastor. Thank you for your book, your courage, your ministry to the abused, your love.
Blessings, always."
October 24, 2010
Midland, Michigan
"Hi Gregg,
Thank you, for the privilege of reading your book. I finished it this week and have been thinking about it a lot. [...] said you were interested in getting some feedback, so I would like to share with you my impressions. First off, you are a champion. To not be defeated by the horror and memories, to be able to smile and laugh and find hope through the prison of manipulation, and to escape with scars that run deep, but did not kill your spirit... you are the victor.
The words were so hard to read, and I'm sure, a thousand times harder to write. And yet, I think of you a greater man now, knowing the dragons and battles you've fought, and the hope you give to others who may still be locked in the pain or suffocating in a similar situation.
Thank you Gregg, for cutting yourself open for all to see. A true sacrifice of love and healing.
Thank you for giving us all hope for a more beautiful life!"
October 19, 2010
Cincinnati, Ohio
"Dear Gregg,
Hello how are you? Hope this finds you doing well. Just wanted to send you my thoughts on your compelling book, A Beautiful World. I finished the book in 2 days! Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. My heart ached for you and your siblings. Your descriptive writing painted a very vivid picture of what was going on-I almost felt like I was there with you.
Even though we all grow up under different circumstances, we are all here, like you stated, to help each other get through and show other child abuse victims that there is a way out! God has provided that light to lead us out of the darkness.
God Bless you and keep you! Thank you for sharing your story with us. It will stand as a true testament of survival.
Take care,
P.S. When is your next book coming out? I will be first in line."
August 30, 2010
New Orleans, LA
"Seriously, I'm amazed at how honest you were. I know, you feel this loyalty to protect the abuser, as irrational as it is at the time. But her actions speak for herself, I'm so sorry you were a casualty in the mean time but I think you really gave a gift to the world by honestly sharing your story, I don't know what else to say but thank you for letting me know that it is feasible a mother, who "automatically" is the protector of her children, can pose the greatest danger to them. I went to a day care for nursing school to study the "well child." We had to do a teaching project to the 3-4 year old. The teachers suggested stranger danger. I told them I wouldn't do it because strangers can be dangerous but the people most likely to be dangerous are "trusted" family members/friends. I did my lesson on exercise.
I really wish you the best. Don't ignore your feelings, or the truth, but don't miss another beat of the joy that is out there waiting for you. Thanks for being "with me" on my path to healing, as you said in your book. You've got an amazing life to live, never forget that."
August 29, 2010
Slovenia, Central Europe
"I have just finished reading your book and was deeply touched by what you've achieved as a person after all that you'd been through. It made me realize how privileged I was to have a loving family and how much love I want to give to my two daughters.
It is a difficult book, extremely painful to read, but it gives me so much hope in humanity, realizing that it is possible to survive such abuse and then not use it as an excuse to do the same, to transfer the patterns into the next generation.
I am humbled by people like you, thank you for writing this book! Kind regards."
August 26, 2010
Atlanta, GE
"I saw your book recommended through RAINN, bought it and read it today. I am a survivor as well and your book brought tears to my eyes but inspired me. As another note, also inspiring is your raising your family. I am a new mother, and overwhelmed by the remnants of my childhood while committing to give a proper life to my children. Reading that you are accomplishing this as a father is inspiring.
Take care and thank you for sharing your courageous story with the public."
August 22, 2010
Book Reviews on Amazon. Com (A Beautiful World)
4.0 out of 5 stars: Very Sad
"I started crying a few pages in and didn't stop the rest of the book. this book is very well written - it's one of those things that the subject is just so awful, while you don't know how or why you could possibly read it, you can't put it down. I read this in one sitting, except for the occasional moments I had to put the book down because I was crying too hard."
August 22, 2010
Book Reviews on Amazon. Com (A Beautiful World)
4.0 out of 5 stars very sad, August 22, 2010
"I started crying a few pages in and didn't stop the rest of the book. this book is very well written - it's one of those things that the subject is just so awful, while you don't know how or why you could possibly read it, you can't put it down. I read this in one sitting, except for the occasional moments I had to put the book down because I was crying too hard."
August 16, 2010
Arvada, CO
"I have never read a book filled with such horror and grief while marveling at the fact that the boy grew into a man with so much strength and love. It makes me look at my world much differently! I couldn't put your book down until it was finished. I read somewhere that there is another book in the works and I hope this is true.
I hope your brother and sister have continued the process of healing. You wrote an incredible book and I thank you. I pray you are not done writing :-)
Thank you Gregg!"
July 2, 2010
Virginia Beach, VA
June 15, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to
"I found Gregg's website after watching the show and ordered his book A BEAUTIFUL WORLD. Not only could I not put it down - but I ordered copies for my sister, my friend and one of my nephews. It was eye-opening and gives you hope that as terrible as things are - not only did this little boy survive but he broke the cycle of abuse as a man. After reading the full story of what he went through before AGE 11 - you will have a new respect for what it means to truly persevere. One thing I know I can do - like Oprah - is help spread the word. I hope Oprah adds A Beautiful World to her book club - there couldn't be a better time to pass on a message like Gregg's to the entire world! Thanks for featuring him on the show and hope to see him again soon!"
June 15, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I watched the episode and read Gregg Milligan's book 'A Beautiful World' - I needed to understand more about what happened to him and how he survived. I was so glad I read his book - it was simply incredible! It was heart wrenching and at the same time tremendously inspirational -- I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. I cannot even fathom the horror that he endured - yet he managed to maintain his spirit and escape and save his siblings -- and he became the man we saw on Oprah. Talk about compelling!!!! Given the pain that exists in this world -- someone that keeps fighting to make the world more wonderful is an example for all of us!!"
June 15, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I purchased Gregg's book (A Beautiful World) it's written extremely well, it helped me with the pain, and agony that I carried with me for too long."
June 14, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I can't believe how sick Gregg's mother was and cannot believe someone would do this to their child. I feel so bad for Gregg and all the children that go through this."
June 7, 2010
Book Reviews on Barnes & Noble and - A Beautiful World
a great memoir
"Gregg Tyler Milligan writes about his childhood in his memoir A Beautiful World. It describes his encounters with his abusive, alcoholic mother with his brother and sister. Gregg is molested, beaten, and neglected up to age eleven. He tries to be near his abusive mother and keep her safe despite her rage because he is so fearful of her. This leads to even more violent acts when he is the only one there for her to lash out on. It is a true story of a horrible life that no child should have to endure, told in such a moving and powerful way that this book should be in your permanent library and shared with others for years to come."
May 27, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"Gregg is a complete inspiration to all!! I loved his book 'A Beautiful World' -- and so did my book club -- if you haven't checked it out yet - grab a copy -- you truly won't be able to put it down! Check out his website too - you'll be amazed at what he's done with his life and continues to do. Thanks Oprah for featuring Gregg - he has proven you can make it through anything if you just keep trying and that every day is a new opportunity!"
May 26, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I just watched this episode over the weekend. I can't imagine a braver person than Gregg Milligan--he was treated so poorly and had every reason in the world not to trust anyone, but he opened his heart to love and trust again. You are a blessing, Gregg!"
May 15, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I watched this today...and couldn't hold back the tears...they just flowed and brought back so many horrible memories. I myself at age 33 and still a single woman can't still bring myself to trust men to the point where I feel I'm better off without one. I think trusting people in general can be very hard for me, because of everything I went through growing up. Another thing Gregg had mentioned was what he did for his sister. I did the same for my sister, she was getting older, and I didn't want what my father had done to me, do to her."
May 15, 2010
Book Review on (A Beautiful World)
"Gregg Tyler Milligan writes in his book, "A Beautiful World," about the horrors that he experienced growing up in Michigan as a son of alcoholic parents. He was one of six siblings born to a vile evil mother who tormented and tortured her children more and more as her alcoholism progressed.
Gregg tried to protect his sister along with his older brother Carter, whom he idolized. As children raised with insanity they didn't always know that their parents were the crazy ones. They had to steal food to survive, and hide to keep alive. It is a miracle that they survived with their lives, letting alone their sanity.
Gregg is a true hero as well as a miracle. He didn't know how to tie his shoes or how to read until he was able to get the courage to call one of his older sisters for help. Tragically he thought as a child thinks, and believed that he had to wait until the next beating to call her. She had told them that the next time their mother beat them that they should call her and she would get them out of the house.
The older siblings bore scars also from having lived with the abuse and insanity inflicted on them. They escaped from the madness as soon as they were able. Gregg and his brother Carter would be left to take care of their little sister Lynn, although it was more of an excuse to beat Greg than out of real concern for their daughter.
One night when their parents were out bar hopping, the boys couldn't find Lynn. They were terrified of the attic but were sure that she was hiding there. They could hear her whimpers and had to be brave enough to go into
the attic to find her. After agonizing and paralyzing fear, they were able to get her out of the attic. She was as terrified of her parents as her brothers were. She said that her mother said that their father was going to rape her. Later they found out that there was probably truth to that possibility because the older sisters said that their father raped them.
Ironically the father didn't physically abuse the kids on a regular basis, excluding raping the daughters. He beat their mother who in turn beat them. Gregg was her main target. He was gentle, loving and kind. He was totally devoted to her and feared for her life.
One time he saved her from drowning, while she was passed out in the bathtub. He received a beating for that too. She strangled him repeatedly to the point of near death. Carter rescued him countless times. Gregg was tortured on a daily basis by his mother.
Summers were an escape from the taunts and humiliation at school. When they were not being soul murdered at home, they were getting tormented, mocked and made fun of at school.
If the starvation, filth, terror, and physical, verbal, and sexual abuse was not enough, the sexual rapes and gleeful sadistic pleasure that his mother got out of prostituting Gregg was the most unspeakable of all of her behaviors. She not only raped her son repeatedly but also would twist his genitals and slap him if he did not make her come to orgasm. I have never heard of a mother as monstrous as theirs.
One night after a night of drinking and bar hopping, Greg's mother and father came home, drunk and violent. Gregg's father beat their mother so badly that her eye literally popped out of the socket. After the beating he left the house, with her unconscious, alone with the children who witnessed it all. One of the kids called 911. When the paramedics arrived they resuscitated their mother. She nearly died. For a brief period the kids had a reprieve from her monstrous torment.
Gregg and his siblings were finally rescued from the living hell that they were raised in. Their childhood was stolen from them. There was a succession of foster homes and nearly unbearable loneliness.
The story does not stop with hopelessness. Gregg was able to survive and thrive because of his will to live, and succeed. He had a thirst for knowledge and was eager for love and acceptance, which he found from some adults who loved him and saw in him his gentle and loving spirit. He is a survivor. He went from being tortured, with love only from his siblings, to graduating with honors from Siena University, in Adrian Michigan. He is a very successful businessman and yet his greatest joy and accomplishment that he proudly admits to is his son, whom he has raised only with love and kindness.
If you ever feel that you cannot overcome your past, you need to read about someone who had every excuse in the book to give up and be a failure. He is an inspiration. He bears his soul in this book to help others to know that they are not alone, and that there is always hope as long as there is life and God, especially when there is at least one person who believes in you."
May 14, 2010
Posted to
Posted to website:
"For those who just saw the show - I'd strongly recommend Gregg's book - A Beautiful World. It is an incredible story and the best book I've ever read."
May 6, 2010
Book Review from
5.0 out of 5 stars: Powerful
"A powerful account of Gregg's childhood and what a little boy had to endure growing up. I love the message that there is always hope. It is an eye opener, especially for people that work with the public's children, as teachers or counselors. This book should be required reading in teacher/counselor education programs."
May 5, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I just watched that interview with Gregg Milligan. Wow! What an amazing man I will never forget that one. XO."
April 2, 2010
Book Review from Barnes &
4.0 out of 5 stars: A Great Memoir
"Gregg Tyler Milligan writes about his childhood in his memoir A Beautiful World. It describes his encounters with his abusive, alcoholic mother with his brother and sister. Gregg is molested, beaten, and neglected up to age eleven. He tries to be near his abusive mother and keep her safe despite her rage because he is so fearful of her. This leads to even more violent acts when he is the only one there for her to lash out on. It is a true story of a horrible life that no child should have to endure, told in such a moving and powerful way that this book should be in your permanent library and shared with others for years to come."
April 24, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"Hi Oprah, I love your show. I like that no topic is taboo you ask the questions that no one on TV. would ever ask. I have been watching you since I was a teenager. I have learned so much from you, and your program. Like what a child molester is. I had never heard that phrase until I watched one of your shows about it in the 80s. I was devastated cause I was made to believe that what had happened to my was ok because it was how people showed love to each other. I had been being molested by my mother. I have lived with this for more than 25 yrs. When you interview Gregg Milligan I cried. All the stuff that I have hidden cause of shame and embarrassment came to ahead. I have only told a few select people. I never got any closure for what happen to me. My mom never apologized for what she did, showed any empathy. I asked her one time why she did this to me. She told that I could have stopped it and that I enjoyed it as much as she did. My heart sank to an all-time low. She has since past away. I have been lost since then. I don't know what I was waiting for from her. I still love my mom with all my heart. I am still conflicted on how I should feel. I am in therapy to help me. I still have to live with this nightmare every day. I have tried to end the pain a few times but I seem to find a small glimmer of worthiness to not end it all, relieve the mental, physical aguish I feel. Thank you so much for you do. You give me a reason to fight."
April 2, 2010
Book Reviews on Barnes & Noble and - A Beautiful World
"Mr. Milligan is an outstanding writer and his story is a piercing account of his boyhood and the atrocities endured. The story reaches the depths of hell alongside Mr. Milligan as a boy -- clinging to the edge of survival -- then finding the strength to escape. I find Mr. Milligan to be a compelling individual in that he chooses to share his story with all of us -- to open our eyes to the fact that no matter what you go through, you can come out the other side. I applaud his bravery -- and hope that the rest of us realize that A BEAUTIFUL WORLD is actually a call to duty. It's time for us all to stand up and be brave, and spread the message."
March 19, 2010
Posted to
5.0 out of 5 stars: A Beautiful World; One Son's Escape from the snares of Abuse and Devotion
"Was a good informative Book on Incest and the victimization of a boy by his mother."
March 9, 2010
Washington DC
I am embarrassed that I haven't spoken/written to you about the book. I have spoken about it to several people, but I now realize that I haven't relayed anything on it to you.
You may be sorry you asked for my reaction, but here it is: I wonder how you feel different after the book, after getting so much of it (though, like you write, not all) down on concrete paper. How or if that changed things for you, both the aspect of "living" through it again and if it affected your perspective. The first part of that question might be a bit off - I know that regardless of if you had done the book, you'd still be remembering and living through it. I don't mean to suggest that writing the book made you re-live something that you weren't living anyway - just a question of what you do about it.
And I am amazed at your ability to keep moving. But I also want to say that apart from your life experiences, you are an excellent writer. I read a lot of books, and yours is incredible - the detail, the "show not tell," the way you capture the reader. It's a scary, frightening, hopeful, and incredible book. Not just what happened - but the way you manage to the events and the emotions (both your own and your family members') in your words.
That's just a part of my thoughts on the book - but I didn't want to delay writing any longer."
March 8, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I'm glad someone brought up education for kids in schools; education is the key to making a true difference. Hats off to Gregg Milligan - I found his book A BEAUTIFUL WORLD to be very educational. Too often we get bogged down in the trials of this world instead of focusing on overcoming them. Reading A BEAUTIFUL WORLD really made a difference in my life - it would be great to see high schools and colleges make it part of their curriculum. I shared Gregg's book with some family and friends and included my teenage nephew in the group. It's one thing to hear Gregg speak on TV and another to sit down with his book and become part of the experiences he shares. My nephew, his mom and I talked about the book afterward and its powerful message of endurance and perseverance. I hope that the people who've watched the show get a chance to read the book and am checking with our library to see if they'll be stocking it. I feel strongly others need to hear the message -- Gregg can't be the only one making a difference . . . it's up to all of us."
March 5, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"Dear Gregg
I watched you on the Oprah Show and I'm never home at to watch the show. I was so disturbed by what had been done to you; I cannot understand how a mother would do something like that to her child. My heart really ached for you and not just till the show ended. I have often thought of you, more than your sister, because of how you were treated. I still think about you and your life with her....I really wanted to tell you how much I admire you and your family. You have a strength inside of you that gives me strength in my everyday life. I complain about my life and the MINOR things that go on in it, such as: I'm sleepy, I don't want to, I this I that. No more!! I really have nothing to complain about because there are worse things that go on then my minor discomfort. You have come a long way and always know...IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. You are my HERO!!!"
March 1, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"What a heart-wrenching subject and one that needs more coverage. Oprah, thank you so much for standing up and featuring the interview with Gregg Milligan. It was enlightening and inspiring. I wept throughout much of it and ended up with a smile on my face at the end, thrilled to know that Gregg succeeded. I read through some of your viewer comments as I was curious as to what others thought. I saw that the show moved everyone, whether they had gone through a similar situation or not. I also read that Gregg is an author too! I will definitely be ordering his book A BEAUTIFUL WORLD. I am in awe of Gregg's courage. Oprah, I hope you change your mind about retiring -- you are the only talk show host who is willing to step out and step up with topics like this to educate the world!!"
February 27, 2010
Book Reviews on Amazon. Com (A Beautiful World)
"Gregg made his own most beautiful world by choosing to overcome a horrific childhood. It was a difficult book to read because it is full of ugly truths and awful child abuse. But Gregg did it and his life will be judged not by what he accomplished (which is a lot) but that he chose to overcome that horrific childhood.
Hope the author continues to reach out and help others that are in such unbearable situations."
February 27, 2010
Book Reviews on Barnes & Noble and - A Beautiful World
My book club read this phenomenal book -- it is incredibly inspiring!!
"I read A Beautiful World as part of my book club. When we got together to discuss it, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. The book is written from Gregg's perspective as a child, exposing the depths of abuse within his mother's house.
The memoir is masterfully written . . . every single one of us felt like we were right next to Gregg through each and every page of his story. The visual style is incredible.
What kept us completely engrossed was the beautiful heart of this little boy, shining through the abuse like a ray of light. In spite of all the horror, his spirit could not be crushed. Malnourished, neglected, abused in every way you can imagine - and still he did his best to hang on. Your heart will feel the amazing love for his little sister and brother amid the harsh struggle they went through every day. The raw honesty that the author shares will deeply move you.
The range of emotions that we as readers went through ran the gamut from gripping empathy for Gregg's pain, to seething anger at his abusers, to cheering Gregg on as turned his dream of escape into action, saving his siblings. And this is the story of a CHILD! It floored all of us.
One of our book club members shared it with her college-age daughter. Her daughter loved it too!!
We all gave this book five stars, which is our highest rating. The inspirational story of Gregg Milligan will leave a deep imprint upon your heart."
February 27, 2010
Book Reviews on Barnes & Noble and - A Beautiful World
Undying Hope, Courage, and Good Triumphing Over Evil!
"Who wouldn't love this book? It's the true story of the triumph of Gregg Milligan. As a child, he suffered through horrendous abuse yet kept his hope alive for years until finally escaping and saving his younger sister and older brother from their brutal mother. As you turn each page, the intensity of this book grows and you literally cannot wait to find out what happens to Gregg.
And for those who don't watch Oprah, check out her site -- there's an interview posted with Gregg Milligan himself that is awesome!! You get to see how he not only survived the abuse, but became a success himself - achieving his bachelor's and his master's, and holding executive roles in corporate America. Yet this incredible man says his greatest accomplishment is raising his beautiful son without abuse . . . his son is also on the show and you'll be so moved by the love between them!!
A BEAUTIFUL WORLD is literally the best book I've ever read and Gregg Milligan is my new hero!!"
February 26, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I just watched the show about Gregg and the abuse he suffered as a child. One can tell on the tape how incredibly painful it was for him to reveal the horrors of his past. From my own experience, just voicing painful things in my past was extremely difficult. At times I felt that Oprah's interviewing technique came off a little bit rough. When they were discussing about him trying to control his body from reacting to "stimulus", ex. getting an erection, I could just feel the feelings of shame he felt over that. But as he revealed more horrible abuse his mother inflicted on him I could see that Oprah was seeing that this wasn't the usual abuse case. I agree with another writer that he showed incredible courage and strength to stand up to his mother while protecting his sister. The main reason I am writing is I could just see in his eyes how much pain Gregg has had in his life and I am so thankful he found a way out and thankful for his lovely wife who is supporting him. I will be wishing him continued healing of the heart. I have a son who is 7 and he is so precious. It is unconscionable that a mother would do this to her child and as Oprah said his mother was a very damaged person in her soul."
February 20, 2010
Posted to the website
Posted to website:
"This is my first time on My sister Tivo'd her interview with Gregg Milligan and I went over her house last night to watch it with our book club. We all read Gregg's book "A Beautiful World" and were really excited to see him on Oprah! It was strange that they didn't mention the book or even the fact that he was an author -- maybe that will be in a future episode? The struggle Gregg has gone through and still goes through showed so clearly on his face -- and his face just lit up when looking at his son Gregg Jr. We were literally all clapping and yelling after we heard his son say how much he loved his dad!!! We were crying through the whole thing too - (we all knew we would - we stocked up on the Kleenex beforehand). We then all went home appreciating our own families and our lives that much more after watching the show. I would tell everyone to check out his book - if you thought the show was great - wait'll you read "A Beautiful World". No one I've talked to who has read it is the same!! I applaud Gregg, his family and Oprah. I am not a big fan of talk shows but anyone who uses that forum to spread some good in the world deserves some props!"
February 20, 2010
Book Reviews on Barnes & Noble and - A Beautiful World
February 19, 2010
Posted to the website
Posted to website:
"Gregg exhibited bravery as a child (and to this day!) that I don't think was fully recognized during the show. For an 8 year old to defend his sister that way - and even take the abuse for her - was the bravest act I've ever heard of. In such a young child, that type of empathy, selflessness and courage is incredibly rare. He is truly one of the most amazing, loving, sweet men I could ever imagine. Gregg, my prayers are with you daily."
February 19, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I admire the courage of Gregg, as an adult, and back when he was a child protecting his sister. He has the courage of a TIGER! He is so well spoken, handsome, and well dressed."
February 18, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
February 18, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"Oprah did a show about this "taboo" topic in last 80's early 90's if memory serves. That show had 4 women who molested their children. At that time, molestation was an unheard of topic much less a show on mothers who molest. Finally, the "sacred mother" myth has been broken and it has only taken 20 years to do it. Not all mothers are good and sweet. Finally, those who have been hurt have been heard."
February 18, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"How often do you actually see the depths of someone's worst nightmare and also see them come out the other side? My husband clued me into the book Gregg Milligan wrote - A BEAUTIFUL WORLD. I read it and was glued to every page. the ways he kept his hope alive are incredible. I recommended his book to anyone who would listen! Then I heard he was featured on Oprah . . . I have to admit, I don't normally watch Oprah but I gained a new respect for her just through her airing this show. I was so touched by the interview he gave and seeing his beautiful son!! The interview was awesome - I found Gregg to be an incredible speaker and it was everything I expected and more after reading his book. And I can tell you for sure that you'll be amazed by the story you read in A BEAUTIFUL WORLD. Words like strength and courage do not begin to describe him -- and what's awesome is after you read it, you'll not just be cheering for Gregg Milligan but for all of us to hang in there and kick butt by giving it our best!"
February 18, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"When I heard the topic that was going to be discussed, I debated whether or not to record this show.
However, I decided to let it record.
I had to view it in 10 minute increments because it was too much for me to handle in one viewing.
Simply nauseating---
This is such an evil, disgusting, horrific act to have been practiced on such a sweet innocent child.
Seeing the school photos of Mr. Milligan, that sweet little face, so difficult to imagine what that little boy was experiencing.
I sobbed for Mr. Milligan when the camera's captured him visiting his childhood home.
I cannot even fathom the pain he has experienced, and still faces to this day.
I commend profusely the great courage it took for Mr. Milligan to expose his tortured past.
The strength it took for him to expose this humiliating, degrading and embarrassing crime, all for the benefit to help other viewers who are going through this same torture whether past, or present.
How encouraging to see he is not paralyzed by his past experience.
He certainly has turned the corner in his life, for the better. It shows others that there is hope to move on.
My heart goes out to him and his family.
I wish them only peace and happiness, & love and to be comforted and reassured in knowing how many people care."
February 18, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"A grandson age 7 was brought to police through social services to be videotaped for the same type of situation as Gregg. He is now 11. He was "completely believable, black and white situation-no gray, slam dunk" were their words. Someone pulled in political favors as I understand it and child is with mother. Help for him? Thank you, thank you, thank you Gregg."
February 18, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"This is the first time I've posted to Oprah -- the substance of this episode was EXCELLENT and I had to comment. I was so moved by the way Gregg Milligan was able to articulate his experience and connect all of us to it -- to give us *all* courage. I didn't hear anyone mention Gregg's book 'A BEAUTIFUL WORLD' - I read it a few months ago and it blew me away. After talking to my friends and family - they got the book too, and many read it one sitting - it was that compelling - to say the least! This book is *great* reading for everyone. Let's keep Gregg's message going!! Spread the word on FB, Twitter about A BEAUTIFUL WORLD and the show -- this man is a shining example of how perseverance pays off and that we can all make it!! And who doesn't need to hear that ???"
Feb 17, 2010
Posted to website
"When watching Gregg talk about his childhood and what his mother exposed him to, you could see the pain and torment in his eyes. It just broke my heart. What I saw in Gregg was his immense courage which showed me that his sprit was not fully taken away. What Gregg did by being so courageous in exposing his unspeakable childhood will surely help so many other children out there who are at this moment going through their own nightmare and overwhelming shame that they will tell someone or someone will recognize that something is wrong and rescue that child. Unfortunately in this world children are falling through the cracks and we must as a society start making all children OUR priority and stop the abuse and stop turning our backs on them. My prayers are with Gregg and his family and what he has shared with us has surely touched my soul deeply. Thank you!"
February 17, 2010
Posted to website
"This is very hard. I am a 45 year old man who doesn't normally watch Oprah but I caught her show on Monday and man, my world was rocked! Gregg, what a brave, brave, courageous soul you are to share the horrific story that was your childhood. For me, it was looking in a mirror though my abuse was not nearly as severe as yours. The pictures that you shared on Oprah took my breath away because that was ME as a young boy. I was abused by an uncle and a friend from the time I was 8 till 13 and it has affected every area of my life but your story has finally given me the courage to say NO MORE! Man, I could go on and on but instead I will just say that I am going to take what is rest of my life back!"
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"Thank God for guys like Gregg that have the courage to open up to America and Oprah for having the platform to tell the world that this does exist and as men we are and can be abused just like woman."
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I too would like to read Gregg's book, I sure hope he wrote one or has one pending....Oprah-please do a follow up on this family, find his father & mother's siblings so we know how & where this woman was raised. There's more to this & we need to know. God bless you Gregg, for telling your story. I also was deeply moved & felt extreme sorrow for Gregg. I would like to know more, such as does his mother have any siblings alive & where is his father? I would like to see them on your show so they could provide more insight into this monster of a woman...I'm betting that she too came from an abusive home & it is a cycle that continues over & over. Gregg is such a strong person & the way he saved his sister is amazing."
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"Wow, that interview with Gregg Milligan was chilling. What a living hell that he went through and he survived it?? I'm just in awe of his ability to tell the world about his experience in hopes of helping others. This is courage is the ultimate in GIVING of himself to helping other victims. How easy would it be for him to just keep it all to himself & those few around him but instead he is sharing this horror to millions which will help so many people who are experiencing something similar to have courage to move their lives forward. Oprah handled this interview so well highlighting the fact that a child cannot "Control" their circumstances that's where that guilt comes from that ruins people. I didn't experience physical or sexual abuse but did experience neglect which too has caused me pain. The pain and hurt experienced as a child took something away from me and manifested itself in many negative ways in my life as an adult (eating disorders, abusive relationships etc.) The pain and suffering from any abuse will definitely show up in the victim's life in negative forms such as I experienced and/or other addictions. For me it took something bigger than me to fix myself and for me becoming a Christian change me from the inside. That's when I saw a bigger purpose and saw only God could fix my brokenness. Children are fragile and ALL abuse will cause broken adults to some degree. I pray Gregg and his family continue embracing their beliefs in something bigger than themselves."
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
"I have been haunted by Gregg's story. As we saw in Gregg's case he overcame his educational gaps but still struggles with his mental demons. Gregg you are a true inspiration...I pray that you continue to heal and the white light of the Holy Spirit takes away your demons so that you may sleep in peace at night."
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"Gregg Milligan is a hero at such a young age to have the maturity and wisdom to know to protect his sister, then to have the courage to remove those he loves from their abusive living situation. Such heroic acts need to be publicly acknowledged and recognized so victims will feel empowered to speak up and know that it is the right thing to do to stop the abuse. And abusers need to know that they have no power if fear to speak up is removed from the hearts of their abusers, and that it is seen as a heroic act. All children need to be protected and feel safe to grow up to reach their fullest potential as true human beings. It is the responsibility of the community to make this happen for a child."
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"There are no words to describe the effect of how Gregg's story has touched my life. It is beyond me how he managed to survive such a traumatic childhood! My heart will forever be touched by his story and his courage to come forth to speak out about the abuse he endured. I know this story reached millions and therefore, lives were changed today! Thank you Gregg for being so very brave! Hugs."
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I just have to say that Gregg is a hero. God bless him for coming forward and telling his story. I think he has helped more people than he could ever know. My wish for him is that he and his family are surrounded by love and peace."
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"What a wonderfully brave man Gregg is. Thank you so very much Oprah for having shows like this one."
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
"I just wanted to say after watching Gregg's story I was struck by his overwhelming bravery. Gregg, you are BRAVE!!! You are a survivor and an inspiration to any person who has been abused. I was raped at the age of 14 by a 22 year old man and it took me many years to admit to that because I felt responsible and that I put myself in that situation. I am so proud of you and pray that you will continue to find peace and happiness in every part of your life. Thank God there are truly good people in this world that those of us who have been victimized and hurt can see hope, trust and love in others and begin to find it within ourselves."
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"My heart goes out to Gregg and his family; I watched the show in total disbelief. I also want to commend Gregg on getting help and recognizing that he was the victim and it was not his fault. It is too sad that his mom was a very sick lady. My hat also goes out to him for protecting his sister from this awful abuse. When I heard his son say how much he loved his dad, it truly brought tears to my eyes. Gregg once again THANK YOU for sharing your story and maybe you can help someone who is also going through a horrific situation now."
February 16, 2010
Posted to website
You are a testament to the strength and durability of the human spirit. ....... Perhaps you would rather be anything else because of what price you paid to become this diamond of inspiration but I would like you to know that you have proven to me, that a devastating childhood does not have to equal a devastating life. I have no doubt that you have to deal with what has happened to you on a daily basis but please know, - you are a beacon of hope for the rest of us!
Shine On! :)"
February 15, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"What a heartbreaking story Gregg was so courageous to share. Thank you, Gregg and Oprah for helping everyone understand why child rape is so insidiously destructive. I just heard Oprah say how the act itself is infinitesimal compared to the spiritual and emotional devastation, the tremendous and toxic shame each poor victim is left to secretly deal with. I never understood this but do now. I hope America gets serious about child rape soon."
February 15, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"This show was heartbreaking to watch. I found myself wishing I could turn back the hands of time so that I could save that little boy and his siblings from that monster. I am so so sorry that this happened to you Gregg. No child should ever have to live the way you were forced to live. Thank you for sharing your story, you are a courageous and I applaud you for teaching so many of us about the horrors and the signs of child abuse. God Speed."
February 15, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I was deeply moved by Gregg's story. As a survivor, I know all about the shame and humiliation abuse evokes. It was incredibly courageous for Gregg to tell his story, and I have such deep respect and admiration for him and the tremendous suffering he has experienced. The fact that he survived is such a testament to his amazing inner strength and character. The picture displayed of him as a precious and innocent little boy broke my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I will hold that beautiful little boy in my heart along with my own abused precious inner child."
February 15, 2010
Posted to website
Posted to website:
"I just watched this episode of Oprah and am so touched by the sad way that Gregg and his siblings had to live. As a sexual abuse victim myself, I can understand the devastation it can cause. While I was sexually abused by my stepfather, my mother knew about the abuse and was resentful to me for the 'affections' from my stepfather. She was verbally and emotionally abusive to me. I begged her several times to make him stop, but was ignored. The worst part of all of it was the realization that this was mother--the one who was supposed to be my protector--feeding me to the wolves. I am sure you felt something similar. I want to say that you are a remarkable person to have come through what you have and to lead a normal life with a normal, healthy relationship. It isn't easy, I know. God bless you and your family."
February 12, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
"Dear Gregg,
Thank you for courage to share your story. You will help so many move from their own shame and pain.
Freedom's on the way. Be Blessed.
Oprah Winfrey."
January 7, 2010
ABC News Article Reader Reactions
Reader(s) reaction to the ABC article as posted on the Victims Heartland Forum:
"I thought it was awesome."
"All I can say is "Wow."
"Isn't it something that he rose so above it all. He had no role-model in his life. Just unbelievable."
"He is a true role model to so many children who have suffered at the hands of their parents or other adults."
"It is SO nice to hear of a happy ending!!! God Bless Gregg Milligan!!"