November 8, 2015
United States
Im reading your book and it is beautiful. All the feelings and the pain are the same pain I can relate too! Your are a really amazing writer. I couldnt stop reading your book last night till I fell asleep. You have such a good heart.
September 12, 2015
United States
“You are an awesome writer Gregg Tyler Milligan! I feel like I’m right there with you with each word. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say Thank You for sharing your terrifying and horrible yet amazing journey with us. The sheer strength of your spirit is amazing and wonderful. You are just such a wonderful and loving person and always have been despite unbearable circumstances and that is something that NOBODY can EVER take away from you. I feel that is your message and I know that you have helped so many people with the LIGHT that is within you. God bless you in all your endeavors. Stay strong and always stay the Great Loving person that You Are... and always have been. It Matters! Thank You so much Gregg for all that you do and all that you give and for all that you are just by being you! May you be recompensed a thousand million fold for what the devil stole from you. Or tried to steal but cant. "All Love and Light"! "Stay blessed and stay Positive"! Prayers for you and yours and all that you hold dear. We love and support you Gregg. Keep going! Keep moving Up and Up and UP!! Just like you always have... just like you do!”
September 5, 2015
North Carolina, USA
“Keep staying Strong like You Are with the Great Heart of Love that is within You! You are an amazing person with a heart of gold and you are a success in all you do. God Bless You! Much Love and Prayers of Abundant Blessings your way! Always Stay Encouraged. Like I know that you always do. And thank you so much for all the love and encouragement that you have given to us too!”
September 2, 2015
Tel Aviv, Israel
“Dear Tyler. Thank you so much supporting us. From the moment I know you I think to myself that if you have more people like you - earth was better place to live in. you are one in a million. Well said. Every word should be written with gold pen on a strong rock. I appreciate what you written so much. May your words come the right ears and hearts.”
August 29, 2015
“Had heard ABOUT you and that clip long ago...Oprah. Finally googled raped by mother (since I was) and found the video again on Oprah .com. Watched this time. Every case is different and has its own horrors. I will probably write now that I am better able to face it all but, my case will be less dramatic than yours but had its own tortures. I was moved to tears when your sister took your hand as you said that defending her was the best decision you ever made. I had no brothers or sisters and I have no one who "knows", so to speak. I mean I have talked to my wife and even a few friends... but I mean, no one else who "was there". Thanks for sharing. As I, if I write it out, I will keep you informed.
Love and Respect.”
July 31, 2015
Atlanta, Georgia
“Dear Gregg,
I have so many things to say to you, even though we are strangers. I am sure you have people contacting you all the time, but it is rare for me to hear about a childhood such as yours. You see, I feel the deepest empathy for you....because we share such a similar background. Unfortunately.
I want to commend you on creating a fantastic life for yourself. I function well enough to fake it in front of others. I wish someone could have saved all the children like us. May God bless you. Keep up the great work!! I am rooting you on all the way....
July 26, 2015
"I was truly honored to be given a preview copy of the book to read.
The author is just incredible.
This book expanded my view of humanity to a more a global view. I found the book to be very educational and I learned that everything about Thailand is so wonderful - especially the people!! I felt the wonderful people of Thailand were the whole basis of the book. I found the book to be uplifting - I can't believe these people are so wonderful ... I didn't know that there is a place like this on earth!
My favorite part was his last trip with his son - I was so excited that he was able to share this beautiful place and its people with his son.
I also loved the author's descriptions of nature and his analogies between nature and humanity. His writing is so smooth - I don't know what he does but it is very easy reading and it's wonderful.
The book left me with a stronger sense of being connected to others.
If I had the capability to travel to Thailand, I would love to take a trip there - anyone would!! The book had a very positive message - at least there's one place in the world that is wonderful!"
Barbara Hengesbach, O.P.
July 25, 2015
Knoxville, TN
“Hey Gregg! Thank you for taking time out of your life to say hello to me and wish me will on my birthday! I think you're a brave person, I admire you & your writing! You're living proof miracles happen and that we can become functional people despite our past trauma. Thanks for being my friend on FB and for letting me come along for the journey.”
July 7, 2015
Maha Sarakham, Thailand
"มีอะไรดีๆมาบอกจ้าาา หนังสือเล่มนี้นะคะเปนหนังสือที่ดีมากก เพราะมิลล์ได้อ่านแล้วทำให้มีความรู้สึกเข้มแข้ง มีกำลังใจมากขึ้น เพราะ.. เนื้อหาของหนังสือเขียนไว้ว่า... ทุกอย่างมีทางออกเสมอ ไม่ว่าจะช้าหรือจะเร็วหรือเราจะยากลำบากเพียงใดเราก๊ผ่านพ้นไปได้แม้จะมีอุปสรรคต่างๆก็ตาม แต่ถ้าเราพยายามซะอย่างเราก็ทำได้ใช่ไหมคะ:) ขนาดไม่มีพ่อไม่มีแม่เขายังผ่านสิ่งเหล่านั้นไปได้เลย เหมือนมิลล์นี่ไงคะ มิลล์ยังสู้มาได้จนถึงทุกวันนี้เลย ก๊อยากให้ทุกๆคนได้อ่านนะคะ :))" ---มายมิลล์ บริวด็อก
“I have only wonderful things to say about Tyler and his book, A Beautiful World coming out in Thai. To me, it is a very good book because of it is intense, sensitive, and encouraging way the book is written, showing how Tyler chose to love even when he was not loved. Tyler shows that there is hope and a solution no matter what has happened to you. He lives this. Even though he suffered, he is happy and gives back love to me and my brother and he does not have to, but does anyway. He does not know us, but takes care of us. Tyler writes about whether life is fast or slow, hard and full of suffering, we will get through it despite the pain. He talks about how we all go through difficult obstacles, but if we try everything will be alright. Tyler had a mother and father who did not love him and hurt him very badly, but here he is still fighting for love today. I want everyone to read this book. Love, Milk.”
June 30, 2015
Maha Sarakham City, Thailand
“ทำบรรณาธิการหนังสือแปลเสร็จแล้ว เย้...
ใครใจอ่อน จิตอ่อน อาจทำให้อ่านไม่จบ
ขอบคุณ ผู้เขียน Gregg Tyler Milligan
ขอบคุณนักแปลคนแรกที่สอนให้เห็นเทคนิควิธีการแปลที่น่าสนใจโดยเฉพาะเนื้อเรื่องของเรื่องนี้ บางประโยคบางตอน บอกได้เลยว่า นักแปลก็มีเทคนิคแพรวพราวแบบของตนเอง
ขอบคุณผู้ประสานงาน Pimpat Thanaseelungkool และ Senawong Panissa ที่พิจารณา นำพาให้ได้ทำงานบรรณาธิการหนังสือแปลเล่มแรกเล่มนี้
บกพร่อง ผิดพลาดประการใด ขอน้อมรับไปปรับปรุงแก้ไขนะค่ะ
A Beautiful World by Gregg Tyler Milligan”
“Hooray ... finished translating his book as editor. It shows a real fighter; an impressionable young mind may never want to end. But if anyone has read it will recognize the humanity of the real life. It is really valuable in humanity. Thanks to author Gregg Tyler Milligan at the chance to be editor of the book.
Thanks to translators who first taught the techniques of translation of this passage particularly interesting. Some say that with some translators have their own brilliant technique.
Thanks coordinator Pimpat Thanaseelungkool and Senawong Panissa consider bringing a book editor translated the first volume of this work.
For any shortcomings strive to improve it. A Beautiful World by Gregg Tyler Milligan.”
---- Khun (In-On) Dar Cho Anuk Athena, Editor of A Beautiful World (Thai Version)
June 22, 2015
Adrian, MI
{Pre-review of manuscript, A Brief History in Thailand 2009 – 2014 …pre-publication}:
"This new book is SOMETHING. Just marvelous! Every time I pick it up I am THRILLED. It is beautifully done. I can see understand why he has gone to Thailand seven times, especially when talking about the people - and I can see why he'd want to go back! He writes with such an incredible flow and smoothness - it flows so nicely. I love how he has worked in all aspects of his life and the world.
I LOVE IT!! I JUST LOVE IT!! When I read it, I am RIGHT THERE with him. I feel like I took the trips with him!!
The way he ties in nature, humanity and how we are all connected is just MARVELOUS!
What is so incredibly beautiful to me is the feeling of the people in Thailand!!! The way he writes just grabs me - I literally want to give a squeeze [hug] sometimes reading the wonderful things he's experienced. I can see why he's so in love with Thailand and I would love to go to Thailand some time!!
Be sure Gregg knows how happy I am with it and how thrilled and honored I am to be reading my own advanced copy for me to keep!! I am being so careful and will have to thank him - it's just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!"
Sr. Barb Hengesbach, O.P. Dominican Order
June 17, 2015
Maastricht, Netherlands
“Dear Gregg, I just came across your books recently after having thought about you for years after seeing you on Oprah. I just wanted to tell you what a truly beautiful human being you are. I am in awe of you and your work. I'm sure you hear this all the time, but it can never hurt to know there is love for you out in the world, and deep appreciation for how you light it up. Wishing you peace and happiness.”
May 3, 2015
Adrian, MI
{regarding the children’s book written by G. Milligan “Mousatonia” written, April 2006}
He has so MUCH talent and his son does too – it’s hard to believe there is so much talent in one family!
I loved it – I absolutely did . . . so much I am going to read it again today!!!
It is gorgeously written and illustrated!!"
Sr. Barb Hengesbach, O.P.
(Dominican Order of Clergy)
April 3, 2015
"Gregg Tyler Milligan is an author, survivor, hero and father who has been helping people in similar situations all his life. His books allowed me to see things from a different perspective. He believes, "We are here to save one another."
March 22, 2015
Bangkok, Thailand
“Dear P' Pimpat Jeunesse, thank you for giving me a nice chance to read A Beautiful World book and also thanks Khun Gregg Tyler Milligan to write and share it. It is such an extremely valuable and useful book for many people who are hopeless and thinking to find the way out of life by committing suicide. For me, I think that I have faced many troubles in my life but this book encourages and makes me know that there are many people in the world who have faced more trouble than me. Life must go on! I'm looking forward to reading his newest book. Cheer you up! As I read a little about your book, I'm so impressed. It's such an extremely valuable useful book for many people who are hopeless. It encourages and teaches them including me. You are making it to be The Beautiful World. I'm so happy, there is still a person like you in this world. You are a very great and brave one, Tyler! keep carry on! :)"
February 26, 2015
Fayetteville, NC
“There is this INCREDIBLE Author to me his name is Gregg Tyler Milligan ...You should check him out and check out his story and his unheard of accomplishments considering his circumstances (with the help and Grace of God of course like us all) but it is AMAZING what he went thru ..Where he came from...and how he has OVERCOME! Simply Amazing Testimony! I am on his second book now... his First book about his terrifying and horrible journey is 'A BEAUTIFUL WORLD' .. His words at the end of that book haunting and chilling... but Praise be to God that he is continually just WINNING IN LIFE! DESPITE! All odds against him... My biggest Prayers are truly with him and...I swear you would never think that this great author who is 'SO WELL VERSED' NOW. Could NOT even read at age 11 years old! AMAZING! Check him out...you won’t be sorry that you did!
Thank You Gregg Tyler Milligan! YOU ARE SUCH A WONDERFUL PERSON! .. WOW! What a BRAVE little kid you were and hey..I SEE YOU! "WARRIOR!'..I SEE YOU!!.. Its sometimes so hard to see ourselves the way we are ..either strong or weak..either good or bad..but..It’s easier for others to just 'see us'.. and i 'see you! ..You Are that STRONG WARRIOR' that you daydreamed about as a little kid!...THAT WAS 'YOU' FUTURE "YOU' KID!!!.. THAT ..'IS' ..'YOU!!!! ' NOW!!!... Understand me?...STAY STRONG! ...STAY IN FAITH! ..YOU already know that what you do MATTERS!... BE BLESSED IN ABUNDANCE!!! ps. THANK YOU!”
February 23, 2015
Adrian, MI
“I just finished reading three more of Gregg Milligan's books, which were published prior to A Beautiful World: The Four Hearts; A Home For All Seasons; The Gambit (A Collection of Short Stories). I am an avid reader and was so happy to have the opportunity to read his early works - he is an incredible writer with amazing talent. I just loved each of the three books! I read them quickly as I find it hard to put his books down once I start them. Milligan's writing just flows so beautifully. He is truly a gifted writer! I am anxiously awaiting his new book release scheduled for this spring - I can't wait to read more!!”
February 17, 2015
North Carolina
“I’m trying to catch up Gregg Tyler Milligan! I am on your second book right now. And oh wow. There are no words to really describe what you went thru. But you ARE AN OVERCOMER! God Bless You and yours Forever! Amen! ..And i just wanted to say how appreciative i am for you sharing your story. You are a GREAT WRITER! Very descriptive yet easy to follow...it’s like i feel that I’m right there with you! And maybe perhaps on some levels or ways. I am/was. Ya know? Great and Good things like Angels even human angels and supporters looking over your shoulder thru time and space... i will be getting this 4th book of yours also Gregg~!.. I read your books so fast that i will most likely be thru your 3rd one by the time your 4th is ready. And i will get that one too! Be Blessed Gregg and Thank You for all you do!”
February 17, 2015
“You have such a beautiful perspective on things that I'm sure this book will be just as amazing as the rest.”
February 17, 2015
“I can't wait to read [your next] book. I've read two of your books so far. You are helping the world.”
February 2, 2015
"((Thank you))) I am beyond grateful for you, just being YOU. I still cannot tell you enough how your appearance on Oprah changed my life. Unsure of my memories, but your willingness to say those words, 'made to be my mother's lover' was so powerful for me to hear come out of someone's mouth. You are an inspiration to me, and I am sure, to untold numbers of people Thank you for writing all this out! I felt it is time for a re-post.”
January 26, 2015
Ridgway, Colorado
“I don't know if you saw my reply to you on my Blog, so I wanted to make sure you knew this: Gregg, when I first saw you on Oprah, I was still so unhealed with regards to my mother’s sexual abuse of me. I was crying and so angry that day –crying over women getting away with sex crimes, merely because they are women. I have come a very long way in my healing since then, but you have always been on my mind, and in my heart. I have never forgotten your strength, courage, and willingness to go beyond yourself to help other victims of mothers who sexually abuse, and to help stop the denial that perpetuates society about this very real, and probably more common than we think, crime against nature. Thank you.”
January 21, 2015
Amazon.com Reviews
Like his other two books, Landscapes details the journey of healing from horrid childhood abuse. It shines light on the many landmines survivors navigate on their journey. Love this author!
January 8, 2015
Oprah Show Response (YouTube)
“I just came across the video of the Oprah show with you yesterday. It touched me so much that i couldn’t stop thinking about you all night wondering how things were with you and what became of you. So i did a little research and i found out about your incredible journey. I am just so sorry that all of that happened to you. You are such a sweet and good person. And i rejoice with you in all of your accomplishments but most of all for your accomplishments of the heart. Thank you for all you do and all the help that your testimony has given to countless people and shall continue to be a beacon of hope and light to others for infinity. May God continue to bless you richly with all good and great things in this life and give u back a million and one fold for every bad thing that you ever had to endure. You are an incredible person and this world is lucky and blessed to have you in it. Prayers for you and yours with abundant love and blessings continue!”