Dr. Milligan Donates 40 Additional Copies of "A Beautiful World" Thai Version to The Mirror Foundation
October 09, 2016
International author and advocate Dr. Gregg Tyler Milligan recently donated an additional 40 copies of his first book, A Beautiful World [Thai Translation] to The Mirror Foundation of Thailand. Dr. Milligan's donated books are sold by the Foundation to raise funds for the many programs it runs to serve those in need throughout Thailand. Dr. Milligan has been working with the Mirror Foundation since 2014, including volunteering while in Thailand alongside staff and other volunteers to feed the homeless, care for sick and dying elderly citizens, visit terminally ill children, teach English to staff/volunteers and work with the Anti-Human Trafficking Team.
The leadership of the Mirror Foundation sent a letter of great appreciation to Dr. Milligan for his continued support and sponsorship. Below is an excerpt from the letter to all those who made the event possible [translation by Khun Warisa Senawong]:
“Thank you for your support to The Mirror Foundation by donation of 40 of your books, other things and money. Your donation things will be sold to raise funds and used for support our activities such as Funds for missing children to save the child beggars, Volunteer in hospital projects, Food for Friends project and Volunteers in times of disaster.
Thank you for being a part of the innovation to create social change with us."

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Honors Dr. Gregg Tyler Milligan's Work with a Tribute on Behalf of the State
August 09, 2016
The Governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, honored international author and advocate Dr. Gregg Tyler Milligan for "his many contributions to the State of Michigan." Governor Snyder recognized Dr. Milligan in the tribute for his commitment shown to the state throughout his career, "exhibiting the highest standards of ciitizenship, professionalism and leadership."
The tribute thanks Dr. Milligan for his "tireless support and dedication to the peoples and communities of Michigan," and reflects Governor Snyder's confidence that the "state will long reap the rewards of his many positive contributions for years to come."
Click Here to View the PDF of the Tribute conferred by Governor Snyder.

Siena Heights University President Sr. Peg Albert Confers Honorary Doctorate upon Dr. Gregg Tyler Milligan
May 08, 2016
On May 8, 2016, Sr. Peg Albert, Siena Heights University President, conferred upon Dr. Gregg Tyler Milligan a Doctor of Humane Letters degree.
Sr. Sharon Weber, University Vice President for Academic Affairs, narrated the doctoral presentation at the 2016 Siena Heights Commencement ceremony as Sr. Peg Albert conferred the degree, "For demonstrating that education and compassion lead to wisdom, and for your work on behalf of human rights and sustainability, Siena Heights University is proud to present Gregg Tyler Milligan with the degree Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa."
Dr. Milligan is an award-winning, internationally-renowned author and advocate of abuse prevention, education, and human rights.
Beginning in 2009, Dr. Milligan has made significant contributions to the betterment of our society and world in his work as a pro bono author and advocate.
In 2016, Milligan was honored for these contributions with a doctorate of Humane Letters by Siena Heights University in Adrian, Michigan.
Dr. Milligan has published five books, and as noted in the doctoral degree citation written by Siena Heights University, “Through these books, [Milligan] has shown himself to be someone who suffered greatly but persevered, utilizing education as a tool to propel his future forward – and through his example, he encourages others to strive to overcome adversity. [His] books have been added to several Michigan Public Library Branches, and both he and his works are pending review/inclusion into the Michigan Authors and Illustrators Database.”
He donates all of the proceeds of his books to charity and educational causes.
As a pro bono advocate, Dr. Milligan speaks for free at universities, charitable events, and delivers professional workshops both nationally and internationally– advocating abuse prevention and treatment, human rights and education, while spreading a message of hope and the reciprocity of helping each other succeed in this world.
Also from his doctorate degree citation – “In addition to his written works sharing his life’s learnings/reflections, [Milligan] has moved to action on behalf of others who have been victims of violence in their lives. He has spoken and worked tirelessly on behalf of groups whose mission is to prevent and/or treat the results of human trafficking, domestic violence, abuse of children and adults. [He] has also worked with multiple professional organizations, those in the field of social service, and universities such as Siena to support educational and social welfare causes.”
Click here to read the full citation from Dr. Milligan's doctoral degree
Siena Heights University Honorary Doctorate Degree Citation

Helping to Feed the Hungry in Michigan
June 09, 2016
International author and advocate Dr. Gregg Tyler Milligan volunteered his time and energy on Thursday, June 9, 2016 - joining other community volunteers in weeding and planting at the Plymouth Community Garden in Plymouth, Michigan. This program is dedicated to providing fresh, local fruits and vegetables to hungry people in Michigan communities. Too often, these families and individuals do not have access to the healthy produce that is vital to basic nutrition. Through the combined efforts of Gleaners Community Food Bank, DTE Energy, and dedicated volunteers, the DTE Energy Farm works to fill that gap.

Sharing Happy Time with Blind Family at Amusement Park Project - Thailand School(s) for the Blind Event
March 23, 2016
Author/advocate Gregg Tyler Milligan donated $1,000 USD to help raise money for the Sharing Happy Time with Blind Family at Amusement Park Project event held at Dream World® Rangsit, Thailand on 23-March-2016.
The event was planned, organized and facilitated by Khun Ratchata Monkolsapakit, who is also blind and sits on the Board of Directors for ‘The Foundation’. The project was his original idea to provide a wonderful and unique life experience for the blind and their family members to enjoy together, and has been a year in the making. Great thanks to Khun Ratchata Monkolsapakit and the 30 volunteers who made the event a reality for the entire group.
It is Khun Monkolsapakit has also agreed to transfer ‘A Beautiful World’ (Thai Version) to Books on Tape in order for those who are blind to have access to the written words. In addition, Khun Monkolsapakit is the Head of The Bangkok School for the Blind Alumni Association (BSAA) สมาคมศิษย์เก่าโรงเรียนสอนคนตาบอด กรุงเทพ (สศก).
It is with great pleasure that Khun Chattrakarn Kangsavivat and Khun Warisa Senawong have worked as the liaisons on behalf of Milligan while the author was unable to attend the scheduled event.
Project Description
องค์กรสาธารณประโยชน์ ทะเบียนเลขที่ ๓๕๘๔
Bangkok School for the Blind Alumni Association
๒๗/๘-๙ ม.๕ ซ.พหลโยธิน ๕๔ แขวงคลองถนน เขตสายไหม กทม. ๑๐๒๒๐
โทรศัพท์ ๐๒-๕๒๑-๘๗๔๗ โทรสาร.๐๒-๕๒๑-๘๗๔๖ มือถือ ๐๘๖-๔๙๐-๒๕๕๙ E-mail bsaa_๗๐
Sharing Happy Time with Blind Family at Amusement Park Project
The family is a social institution which is important to human development, especially in childhood. The family is the first institution to meet the basic needs of the people such as giving/receiving love, feeling cared about and introducing socialization - all of which are essential to developing a good quality of life. Children who grow up in a warm family environment are well-positioned to become strong members of society. Thus spending time together with family is one of the most significant factors to enhance warm and strong relationships in the family. Many research studies support that children who grow up in close families with love, warmth and caring parents will mature quickly and positively with an eagerness to improve themselves and develop their society.
Amusement Park is an alternative place where parents take their children to enjoy activities together. Amusement Park attracts many children with its exotic, exciting and challenging variety of rides and games to play. Children enjoy fun and happy times at Amusement Park. Also, many rides/games have been designed for parents and their children to play together; as such, Amusement Park is well-suited for family members to spend time together and relax.
Blind families are like a normal family in which parents and children should spend time together enjoying activities in order to strengthen the family relationship. However, the blind families don’t normally have the opportunity to go to the amusement park by themselves because of physical limitations. The blind children also have a more difficult time in having an exciting experience from playing the games and riding the rides. Therefore, the School for the Blind Alumni Association, which was established to improve the quality of life for the blind and also to support diverse experiences for this group, realizes that blind family members should spend time together and the blind children should have experiences in an amusement park like others. The "Sharing Happy Time with Blind Family at Amusement Park" Project was designed to encourage the blind families to have exotic experiences together and enhance/encourage good relationships between blind family members.
To create new experiences from going to amusement park for blind families.
To enhance/strengthen good relationship between blind family members.
Group Benefited/Participated
50 blind families (2 people per 1 family).
30 Volunteers
23 March 2016
The blind families will attain great happiness from engaging in activities together at the amusement park.
The participants will have exotic experiences to encourage them to live in the future.
The volunteers will learn to give and share living experiences between themselves and the blind.
The blind and the volunteers will also build a good relationship.
Post-event note from the Director:
ขอขอบคุณ Mr.Gregg Tyler Milligan สำหรับยอดเงินบริจาค 1,000 USD เพื่อสนับสนุนงานครอบครัวสุขสันต์สำหรับน้องๆผู้พิการทางสายตาในครั้งนี้รวมถึงทุนบริจาคอีกส่วนหนึ่ง (ยอดรวมประมาณ 2,000บาท) มาจากพี่ๆน้องๆ H-one เราด้วยที่ช่วยให้การสนับสนุนงานนี้ค่ะ😇🙏😇
Thanks, Mr. Gregg Tyler Milligan for balance donated 1,000 USD to support the job, happy family for my brother, disability, vision in this time, including donations of (the sum of about 2,000 baht) from the brothers and sisters h-one we with the help. Support for this job, 😇🙏😇

Book Donation Event - Thailand School(s) for the Blind Event
March 05, 2016
Author/advocate Gregg Tyler Milligan donated 40 copies of his first book, A Beautiful World (Thai) ©2015 to The Thai Graduate Society of the Blind (TGSB) สมาคมบัณฑิตตาบอดไทย for an event held at CentralWorld® Bangkok, Thailand on 5-March-2016.,
Click here to see beautiful pictures from the very exciting day!
It is with great pleasure that Khun Chattrakarn Kangsavivat and Khun Warisa Senawong are working as the liaisons on behalf of Milligan while the author is unable to attend the scheduled event.
“A Beautiful World addresses the harsh realities of child abuse and stands out in the memoir category as bold and emotionally shattering. From the beginning, the straightforward prose shows us a brutal world of sadness and depravity. The narrative becomes ever more lurid as the writer recounts in graphic detail the horrors of child abuse. It is a shocking and moving story - rife with gritty realism, hope and the endurance of the human spirit. The reader will find A Beautiful World thought-provoking and, in many places, a genuinely moving experience. The writer draws the reader into his valuable personal insights, providing a firm grasp of the perils and challenges faced by victims of abuse along the road to healing and deliverance.”
The event coordinator is Khun Ratchata Monkolsapakit who is also blind and sits on the Board of Directors for ‘The Foundation’. Khun Monkolsapakit has also agreed to transfer ‘A Beautiful World’ (Thai Version) to Books on Tape in order for those who are blind to have access to the written words. In addition, Khun Monkolsapakit is the Head of The Bangkok School for the Blind Alumni Association (BSAA) สมาคมศิษย์เก่าโรงเรียนสอนคนตาบอด กรุงเทพ (สศก).
Milligan has also donated $1,000 USD in order to help raise money for an event to be held at Dream World® Rangsit, Thailand scheduled 23-March-2016.